
Saturday, November 10, 2012


Well then, what do we have here? Yet another bar-raising dancefloor release from Dave Tipper! The man is a machine of individual electronic exploration, constantly splattering minds while controlling the bodies of the revelers on the other side of the speakers through banging rhythms, intricate layering, bass waves you could surf on, and easily some of the cleanest and most inspiring production quality control ever. He delivers these transmissions the entire time with a humble demeanor, as you will never see him hyping up the crowd with headbanging tomahawking antics, you wont hear him on the microphone announcing the next big drop, he can simply let the quality of his music do the talking.

With the Shatterbox EP, Dave again flexes his diversity by surprising us with the title track by kicking up the tempo to Drum and Bass! Something we personally have always wanted to hear from him, and when witnessed in person is obviously an energy that not only we appreciate. Inside the EP we also have Higgins, a journey with a slightly mystical introduction, that quickly moves into a raging pulse of the Tipper vibration. We've also got Spunion, which is what might be the closest thing you will hear to a vocal representation of a cyborg alien laughing in joy, reveling in the bass. Last but certainly not least is On the Natch, a super funktastic horn filled electrorganic hybrid.

Dave always brings the noise!

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